Monday, April 21, 2014


Have you ever read Acts? If not then you should. It is a really good book in the Bible. The book of Acts is about what the twelve apostles did after Jesus was crucified, come back from the dead, and risen to heaven. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS  at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN has been studying it recently and has intrigued me to want to read it as well.
There is one part where a man named Stephen is speaking in front of the Sanhedrin and he is bound in chains. He is giving them the history of the people and when he gets to the part where Jesus is King, they get upset and angry. They get so upset that they take him out and they stone him to death. The entire time he is praying, "Lord, they know not what they are doing. Don't hold there sin against them." He is a true believer of God and Jesus. A true Christian,
At another point there is a magician named Simon that tries to pay for the abilities that he sees Peter has. He asks if he pays Peter will he give him the same abilities that the Lord gave Peter. Peter exclaims that he is the devil basically and will go to hell for thinking that he can buy his way into heaven. Simon then asks Peter to pray for him so that none of the things Peter says comes true.
One of my favorite parts of the book of Acts is when Saul becomes Paul. This happens on the road to Damascus when Saul is able to persecute any and all believers of Jesus. When he is close to Damascus he has a bright light that comes upon him and he sees a man that asks, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" Saul asks, "Who are you Lord?" and is told, "I am Jesus, the one whom you are persecuting." he is then told that he will be blind for three days and a man named Ananias will come to him in three days time. So Saul is lead into Damascus by the hand and for three days he cannot see, nor does he eat or drink anything. Then Ananias comes and heals his eyes and baptizes him in the name of Jesus and gives him the name of Paul. Paul then becomes the biggest support of Jesus that there can be. He preaches the word of Jesus throughout the land and when the Jews continue to have hardened hearts to the word he speaks he turns and takes his message to the gentiles.
In another part of Acts Paul is on a ship and tells the centurion that the boat they are on is going to be destroyed but if everyone on the ship stays together then they will not perish. The centurion sees some of the men trying to get of the boat and ends up cutting the lines to the life boat. After many days in the storm, 14 if I am recalling correctly, Paul tells the men to eat and drink something for they have not had anything in a long time. They do and what happens is the boat comes upon some land and ends up hitting a sand barge. The men all survive and the boat sinks, just as Paul said it would. Because that is what he was told of from the Lord.
The book of Acts is a great book to read. It is one of my favorite books of the Bible. If you want to study the book even further, there is a movie called Acts. You can find it on DVD or you can find it on YouTube. It tells the story of Acts word for word and is a really good movie to study with.
If you would like to learn more about the book of Acts then come to BRINGING BACK GOD  in either BRISTOL, TN or in MARIETTA, PA. Come to one of the services on Sunday at 10:00am or Wednesday at 7:00pm and hear PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, you won't regret it. Check out the book of Acts, you'll be surprised how much you might enjoy it.
I Love You All and God Bless You All,
The Church Goer-Girl

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