Sunday, May 4, 2014

Old Testament Thought of the day 5.4.14

I was reading Leviticus again today and this scripture popped out at me. It is one that I like a lot.
Taken from a King James Bible. Leviticus 20:1-3
1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying
2 Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.
3 And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name.

If you would like to learn more about this Scripture or about the Bible, check out PASTOR JOHN COLLINS with BRINGING BACK GOD.

God Bless You,
The Church Goer-Girl

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Today's New Testament scripture comes from Romans 15:12
12 And again Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust.
This was taken from a King James Bible

This is said to be a fulfilled prophesy but it makes you wonder, if Jesus came to be King of the Jews who has come to reign or be king of the Gentiles. Jesus was the King of the Jews not king of the Gentiles. So is it really a fulfilled prophesy?

If you would like to learn more about the Bible or to talk scripture, check out PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at BRINGING BACK GOD. He can be found in either BRISTOL, TN or MARIETTA, PA.

Monday, April 21, 2014

God doesn't play favorites

Do you think God plays favorites? Do you think that if He loved one person more than another he will let them go to heaven even if they deserve hell? Do you think that he is happy when we only give Him half of our best efforts?

God doesn't play favorites. He will not let someone go to heaven if they deserve hell. He is not happy when we only give Him half of our best. We need to give Him our all at all times. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN and MARIETTA, PA has said many times, "There aren't any 23 and a half hour Christians in heaven." He is right, there aren't. The people that have made it to heaven earned their way to where they are. God didn't play favorites with them. They either did the work or they would not have made itWe need to do the same thing.

God will not play favorites with us. If he didn't play favorites 2,000 years ago, He isn't going to start now. So how do we make it to heaven then? Simple. Be a true Christian. Love thy neighbor, help thy neighbor. Ask for forgiveness of your sins. Repent your sins. Be baptized. Help others without asking for anything in return. That is what a true Christian is. One of the many things that I learned at BRINGING BACK GOD. The only way that you can make it to heaven is to do it yourself, to give yourself 100%. You can't turn your faith on and off like a water faucet. It is either there or it isn't.  God showed no favoritism with King David.  He took his eyes off of God and coveted the wife of another man, made her pregnant, tried to cover it up by inviting her husband back from the battles of war, then when he wouldn't sleep with the woman, King David had him sent to the front where he was killed.  King David turned from God and didn't do his will, and God dealt with him by letting the child die. God loved David, but He didn't play favorites.

If you need to talk to someone about faith and how to be a Christian, you can stop by BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN. You can hear sermons by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on
God bless you.
The church goer girl.

A sin is a sin

At a BRINGING BACK GOD service PASTOR JOHN COLLINS talked about sin. A sin is a sin is a sin. It doesn't matter if you lied, cheated, stole, or murdered someone, you still committed a sin.
The Ten Commandments are our laws from God that state what we should not do in the eyes of the Lord. They are the same Commandments that were given to Moses when he went up Mount Sinai. If you break one of them it is the same as breaking any of the others. The punishment in God's eyes is the same. You need to repent your sin, repent it from the bottom of your heart and ask forgiveness from God. Become baptized and be a true follower of the cross. That is what will please God. That is what will forgive you of your sin.
Someone I love dearly once said, "A sin is a sin, doesn't matter if you killed someone or if you stole a candy bar. A sin is still spelled with the three same letters." That is one of my favorites quotes. A sin is still spelled the same way no matter what the sin is. What a simple way to look at it and how very, very true. The only sin that is unforgivable is if you blaspheme. It says it in the Bible so I believe it.
The Bible talks about sin. It says in James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. In Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. In Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ out Lord. (All scripture was taken from a KJV Bible.)
These re just some of the scriptures that talk about sin. They are all saying the same thing, repent your sins and ask forgiveness from Jesus Christ and God. Everyone is a sinner. There was only one perfect person that has ever walked this earth. He was the only one that did not sin. That was Jesus. The rest of us are ALL sinners. No matter what you may think, you are a sinner. I know I am. I also know that I ask for forgiveness and repent what I have done to God and he will forgive me.
If you would like to learn more about how to repent your sins, please come to BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN or in MARIETTA, PA.Talk to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS or listen to him on BlogTalk Radio.
God Bless You All,
The Church Goer-Girl


At BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN, PASTOR JOHN COLLINS has stated many times, "Hope is like sunshine, everyone needs a ray of it." For the longest time I only thought that this meant that you should give others hope. Hope that they can change and be a better Christian. Hope that they will be a better person. Hope that they will come back to the cross. Hope that they will believe in God and Jesus. Hope. I never thought that I would think of hope for myself. But what you you need to realize is this, just because you have hope for other people doesn't mean that you should lose hope for your self.
Many times that is something that we all forget. We forget that we can change and be a better person, a better Christian, come back to the cross, come back to Jesus and God. We forget that we need to have hope for our self. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS has also taught me that you can't help others change until you have changed yourself first. So if you lose hope for yourself then you are defeating the purpose of ever being able to help others.
The bible talks about hope often. In Romans 15:13 it states Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. In Psalms 39:7 And now, Lord, what wait I for? my hope is in thee. Again in Romans 8:24-25 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
So the bible talks about hope. We just need to remember to not loose hope for ourselves. Hope is like sunshine, and everyone does need a ray of it. Not only the people that we know but us too.
If you would like to learn more about this topic, come visit BRINGING BACK GOD in  BRISTOL, TN or in MARIETTA, PA. Visit PASTOR JOHN COLLINS and talk the bible with him. Or listen to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on BlogTalk Radio.
God Bless You,
The Church Goer-Girl

You can't bribe God

So you think you can bribe God? If you do then you are so very, very wrong. You Can't Bribe God. No matter what you cannot do it. It is not possible. Now you might be asking what do I mean by this? Simple, you can't say to God, "I'll do this my way but I'll put more money in the collection plate on Sunday to make up for not listening to You." He does not work like that.
The meaning of a bribe is to either pay a sum of money or other incentive to get your way or to persuade someone to act the way you want them to act. (Taken from an online dictionary.) You can't bribe your way into heaven. It just isn't possible. That is not how God works. You can't think oh He will understand. No He won't. You need to put God first and for most always. That is what will make Him happy. Not the extra money in a collection plate.
Look at the apostle Paul, do you really think that he ever thought to himself, well I am just going to preach my way instead of the way of the Lord and I'll just make up for it later. NO! He never thought that. All he wanted to do after his vision of Jesus when he was going to Damascus, was to please God in every way possible at every moment possible. He gave it all up for God. He was from a wealthy family, had a high position in the Sanhedrin, He gave up having a wife and a family. He gave up everything to do God's will. It never once thought that he could bribe God into giving him the ultimate reward of eternal life in heaven. He just thought, this is God's will for me so I am going to do it to the best of my abilities no matter how many times I am put in jail, no matter how may times people beat me, no matter what happens to me, I am doing God's will.
Another example to look at is the apostle John. He was the only one that stayed with Jesus through the crucifixion. He was the only apostle that God's will. He did not run away and hide. He did not leave Jesus' side. He stayed until the end. Then after Jesus had risen, came back, and ascended into heaven, he continued to do God's will. All the way through his life until he was an old man, he still spread the word of God with his letters. He never thought that he could bribe God. He did what was asked of him and he did it to the best of his abilities at tall times. He put his maximum effort into the job he was given. He never thought to bribe God. He was rewarded eternal life in heaven because of his faithfulness and loyalty.
So the next time you think that you can bribe God, think again. It is not possible. Don't think just because you put extra money into a collection plate to make up for not listening to God that it will suffice. He doesn't work like that. Do what God's wants. Do his will. Please God.
As PASTOR JOHN COLLINS says at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN salvation is found by repenting your sins, being baptized, becoming a new you, become a true Christian, come back to the cross, and do what God wants.
PASTOR JOHN COLLINS can also be heard on BlogTalk Radio. Or visit BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN or MARIETTA, PA.
God Bless You,
The Church Goer-Girl

When God speaks do you listen?

When God speaks do you listen?
Take a look in the Bible, there are many stories of people who God chose to talk to and they did not listen. They did not want to listen. They let their will be stronger than the will of God. Specifically let us look at the story of King Saul. His story can be found in the book of 1 Samuel. It states, and this is from a KJV Bible, 1 Samuel 15:3, 8-9 3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. 8 And he took Agag the king of the Amalekites alive, and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword. 9 But Saul and the people  spared Agag, and the best of the sheep, and of the oxen, and of the fatlings, and the lambs, and all that was good, and would not utterly destroy them: but every thing that was vile and refuse, that they utterly destroyed.
Now here is the thing, if you go on to read 1 Samuel you will find that God tells Samuel that Saul did not listen to what He said to do and that Samuel will need to tell Saul that he is no longer king of Israel. Saul did not do God's will. He did not kill King Agag like he was supposed to and he did not kill all of the animals like he was supposed to. Instead of putting his faith and trust in the Lord, he let his own will overrule what he was told to do by God. Even more is that if you read the book of 1 Samuel, you will realize that this was not the first time that Saul disobeyed God. This was just the last straw for God, so to speak. So what happens next in the story you might ask. Well, Samuel goes and asks Saul what does he think he is doing keeping Agag alive and why did he not kill all of the animals. Saul give excuses and justifications, which by the way, God really does not like that. Samuel then informs Saul that he has lost his favor with the Lord and that there will be another King that will rule over the Israelites. The next time that Saul will see Samuel is the day that he will die. That next King is David who found much favor with the Lord. This is the same David that kills Goliath.
If you read the book of 1 Samuel and you really pay attention to the story, you will realize that when God spoke to Saul through Samuel, he did not listen. He forgot that he was chosen to be a King by God. Not by man, not by a vote, not by any other mean but God. He let that go to his head and thought that he was bigger than God. He figured he knew what was best so why did he have to listen to what God was saying.
So what is the moral of this story? Simple, follow Gods will at all times. Never forget who we are truly here to serve. We are here for God. To do Gods will. So if He speaks to you will you listen? Will you remember that you work for God? Will you remember that God is all, He is everything, He is our creator, He comes first?
If you would like to learn more about Saul's story or if you have any questions, check out BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN or in MARIETTA, PA. Listen to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on BlogTalk Radio and hear more stories and topics from the Bible, you won't regret it.
God Bless You All,
The Church Goer-Girl

Believing in God

Believing in God is one of the easiest things to say and one of the hardest things to do. It is much easier to say well I believe in God on a Sunday and then the rest of the week you forget about Him. But that is not how God works. He is always there and He always will be. The God that exists today is the same God that existed 2,000 years ago is still same the God that exists today. He never changed, we have. We have forgotten how mighty He is. We have forgotten that when we do something that goes against God there are consequences. Look at Jeremiah, he was not able to marry or have children because he disobeyed God. Isaiah ran through the streets naked for three years. Saul who became Paul gave it all to God and gave up his status, money, power, rank he had in the Sanhedrin, and getting married or having children. He gave it all up for God. That is what we need to remember and that is what we have forgotten. We do not fear God like he was feared 2,000 years ago. We have forgotten about Him.
When you receive and unexpected job promotion, a bonus check, or something good that happens in your life do you thank God or do you just think boy I am lucky. Luck doesn't have anything to do with it. It is all God. It always has been. So when you get those promotions, a bonus check, or good things that happen in your life give God the praise and thanks that He deserves. That is what PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preaches at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN. We need to get down on our knees and thank God every day for everything that He gives. We need to give the glory back to Him because tat it where is belongs. Otherwise we are just being selfish and that does not make God happy in the least.
So to end, thank God everyday. Praise Him for everything that happens in your life. He will never give you more than you can handle. If you need to talk to someone then please come see PASTOR JOHN COLLINS. Talk to him at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN. Or visit our MARIETTA, PA location and Get Your God On.
God Bless You all,
The Church Goer-Girl


Have you ever read Acts? If not then you should. It is a really good book in the Bible. The book of Acts is about what the twelve apostles did after Jesus was crucified, come back from the dead, and risen to heaven. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS  at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN has been studying it recently and has intrigued me to want to read it as well.
There is one part where a man named Stephen is speaking in front of the Sanhedrin and he is bound in chains. He is giving them the history of the people and when he gets to the part where Jesus is King, they get upset and angry. They get so upset that they take him out and they stone him to death. The entire time he is praying, "Lord, they know not what they are doing. Don't hold there sin against them." He is a true believer of God and Jesus. A true Christian,
At another point there is a magician named Simon that tries to pay for the abilities that he sees Peter has. He asks if he pays Peter will he give him the same abilities that the Lord gave Peter. Peter exclaims that he is the devil basically and will go to hell for thinking that he can buy his way into heaven. Simon then asks Peter to pray for him so that none of the things Peter says comes true.
One of my favorite parts of the book of Acts is when Saul becomes Paul. This happens on the road to Damascus when Saul is able to persecute any and all believers of Jesus. When he is close to Damascus he has a bright light that comes upon him and he sees a man that asks, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" Saul asks, "Who are you Lord?" and is told, "I am Jesus, the one whom you are persecuting." he is then told that he will be blind for three days and a man named Ananias will come to him in three days time. So Saul is lead into Damascus by the hand and for three days he cannot see, nor does he eat or drink anything. Then Ananias comes and heals his eyes and baptizes him in the name of Jesus and gives him the name of Paul. Paul then becomes the biggest support of Jesus that there can be. He preaches the word of Jesus throughout the land and when the Jews continue to have hardened hearts to the word he speaks he turns and takes his message to the gentiles.
In another part of Acts Paul is on a ship and tells the centurion that the boat they are on is going to be destroyed but if everyone on the ship stays together then they will not perish. The centurion sees some of the men trying to get of the boat and ends up cutting the lines to the life boat. After many days in the storm, 14 if I am recalling correctly, Paul tells the men to eat and drink something for they have not had anything in a long time. They do and what happens is the boat comes upon some land and ends up hitting a sand barge. The men all survive and the boat sinks, just as Paul said it would. Because that is what he was told of from the Lord.
The book of Acts is a great book to read. It is one of my favorite books of the Bible. If you want to study the book even further, there is a movie called Acts. You can find it on DVD or you can find it on YouTube. It tells the story of Acts word for word and is a really good movie to study with.
If you would like to learn more about the book of Acts then come to BRINGING BACK GOD  in either BRISTOL, TN or in MARIETTA, PA. Come to one of the services on Sunday at 10:00am or Wednesday at 7:00pm and hear PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, you won't regret it. Check out the book of Acts, you'll be surprised how much you might enjoy it.
I Love You All and God Bless You All,
The Church Goer-Girl


Has anyone heard of the parable of the sower? It is where Jesus is talking about seed that falls on hard ground, seed that falls in rocks, seed that falls in some weeds and seed that falls on good ground.
What it means though is how well do we listen to the word? How well are we taking what is being said and applying it to our life? I know that it is something that I have struggled with. I have not always let God's will come before my own and I know that it is wrong. Do any of you have a hard time with this parable? If so then  you are not alone, not by any means. I know that all of us would like to be the seed that falls on good ground every time we hear a pastor preach. At BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preaches these parables. He makes it easy to hear what he is saying but are we actually  listening to what it is that reality is being said? It is easy to hear but it is even harder to listen. It is easy to hear what God's will is for us but it is even harder to let His will override our own. We need to humble ourselves for the Lord and listen. Then we will be able to do His will and make Him happy with us.
Hearing is hard but listening is even harder. At BRINGING BACK GOD you will learn how to listen and know what you can do to better yourself for God. So come visit the church in either BRISTOL, TN or in MARIETTA, PA. Have a talk with PASTOR JOHN COLLINS and come learn how to be the good seed.
I Love You All and God Bless You,
The Church Goer-Girl

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Walk the line

Walk The Line. Has anyone seen that movie? If you haven’t it is a really good movie about Johnny Cash and his life. But the title, Walk The Line, how true that is for our journey back to God. Back to the Cross. Back to Jesus. Back to Salvation.
To walk the narrow gate is not an easy path. It isn’t meant to be easy. You need to prove that you are capable of following God’s will over your own. Look at David. He was told he was anointed King when he was a teen-ager but how long did it take for him to inherit his kingdom? He waited 40 years. 40 years before King Saul was no longer in charge. Could you wait 40 years to receive something that God promised you? Would you wait or would you go well I was told that I would be king so I am just going to go kill the current king and then I can start being in charge.
Let’s face it, most of us would go kill the current king to get what we think we should have now. Look in your heart, you know I’m right. But here’s the thing that is not doing the will of God. That is doing what you think is right and ignoring what God has said. That is not walking the line.
To walk the line, or walk the narrow gate, we must do Gods will over our own. We must remember at all times that we serve the Lord. We must remember at all times that Jesus died on that cross for us. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN states, “Jesus died on the cross for us. He had his left hand in Gods and his right hand stretched out to the sinners, uniting them so that we may enter the Kingdom of Heaven. By dying in that cross, Jesus stamped us his. He made the debt we owe paid. The path to hell is wide but the narrow gate is hard and long. That is the path we need to take.” That is the path I want to take. I want to walk the line, stay on that narrow path, and get to the gates of heaven and be allowed in by Gods grace and mercy.
The Bible references this many times. Matthew 7:13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Isaiah 35:8 And an highway hall be there, and a way, and is shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but is shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein. Luke 13:24
Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek t enter in, and shall not be able.
You see, it is all over the bible. In the Old and the New. So walk the narrow gate. Do what is right in your heart not in your head. Do God’s will first and foremost always. Walk The Line and then you will get to see the glorious Kingdom of Heaven.
If you would like to learn more about walking the narrow gate or would like to talk about religion, come visit BRINGING BACK GOD at 1505 Broad Street BRISTOL, TN. Or visit our MARIETTA, PA church. Come talk to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS.
God Bless You All,
The Church Goer-Girl


Do you know the story of Moses? How well do you think you know it? Could you tell it to me right now if I asked? Or could you just tell me the basics of the story, in other words the summary?
Let’s dig into the story of Moses a little deeper than just the summary. Of course many of us know that Moses led the Israelite's out of Egypt after ten plagues happened. We now that Moses parted the Red Sea and saved them from the Egyptians. And most of us know that they walked for 40 years before they were able to enter into the Promised Land.
But do you know the ten plagues were? Do you know what was asked of Moses and the people while they walked for 40 years? Do you know why Moses only saw the Promised Land but never actually got to enter into it?
I learned all of this and more from PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN.
The ten plagues, just in case you don’t know them are;
1. Plague of Blood
2. Plague of Frogs
3. Plague of Lice
4. Plague of Flies
5. Plague of Livestock
6. Plague of Boils
7. Plague of Hail
8. Plague of Locusts
9. Plague of Darkness
10. Plague of Firstborn
The plagues happened because god told Moses I will harden Pharaoh’s heart and he will not let the people go. This happened ten times because God wanted his chosen people to know that He was there or them, no matter what they went through. After the last Plague, Pharaoh finally let all of the Israelite's leave Egypt. Moses led the people and all there belongs, children, and livestock to the Red Sea and he parted it to let them across to the opposite side. The Egyptians that followed on foot or by chariot never made it across, they drowned because the Red Seas water were put back.
Now the Israelites are told of the Promised Land, the Land of Milk and Honey that they will receive. What they don’t know is that God is going to test them along the way and weed out those that will not be able to follow His Law. He tells Moses to go up to Mount Sinai and Moses does so. He is gone for 40 days and 40 nights. While he is gone he is expecting his brother Aaron to watch over the people and make sure they behave as Gods chosen people should. What happens though is not good. The people make a golden calf and when Moses comes down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments that God has given him, he cannot believe what he sees. Moses throws down the Commandments and they break. He destroys the golden calf and makes the people crush it up into a fine powder. Then he goes back up Mount Sinai to talk with God again. This time when he comes back down with the re-written Ten Commandments, the people have had enough faith to realize that he is not dead. Which is what they thought the first time. The people learn all of the Laws that God has given them. They learn that they will be circumcised and that on the eighth day after a male baby is born he will be circumcised. Along the way of there travels scouts are sent out to see the Promised Land. But God does not lead the people right to it, he makes them walk for 40 years. He tests them. Test’s their faith. Tests to see if they will turn heir backs on Him. Test’s to see if they will do His will or I they will do their own first. God test’s the Israelite's. Like any large family, there is strife and discord among the people and God decrees that no man from the age of 20years old and up will get to see the Promised Land. This is to help weed out those that are not true believers and those that would turn from God’s Law. This means that Moses is not going to get to enter the Promised Land. There are only a few that are over 20 that get to enter, like Joshua, but that is it.
God test’s us just like He tested Moses and the Israelite's. He wants to see if when times are rough and hard, will we turn our back on Him. He wants to see if we will still follow His will through everything. He wants to see if we will build a golden calf when we think all is lost or will we keep our eyes on God and do his will not matter what.
God test’s us everyday. It is what we do to prove ourselves to him that matters. Just like Moses followed God’s will we must do so also.
If you would like to learn more about Moses please come to BRINGING BACK GOD and talk with PASTOR JOHN COLLINS located in BRISTOL, TN and in MARIETTA, PA.
God Bless You All,
The Church Goer-Girl


tion or to Justify. We all do it and know we shouldn’t but what does it really mean? Does it mean tell a lie to cover up another lie? Does it mean to say something to take the focus away from you and your problem? Does it mean and excuse for something that you did?
If you look up the word in the dictionary I says, ‘the action of showing something to be right or reasonable’ basically meaning that you are lying, taking the focus away from yourself, and making up an excuse. Plain and simple you shouldn’t be doing it in the eyes of the Lord.
To take it a step further, let’s look in the bible, I am using a KJV bible, Romans 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar, as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in the sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
To justify something that you have done, said or how you have acted to make yourself look better is a sin. It can be taken as you have not grown up into an adult and are still acting childish. You are still acting immature. To justify your actions because you don’t want people to think badly of you is a wrong way to think. Stand up for what you did, whatever it is. Put your big boy or girl pants on and take responsibility for the things you have said or done.
Don’t rely on a lie or a justification to make other people like you. The truth of the matter is, by justifying you are going to drive your friends and family away. They are not going to want to be around you because you are not being a good person. You are not being a good you. More importantly you are not being a good Christian.
At the end of the day being a good Christian and a good follower of the lord is all that really matters. Not what you did or did not do. What you said or did not say. If your actions are not glorifying the Lord then you are not being a completely faithful servant of the Lord. This is something I have struggled with in my past. But right now here today I have made a decision to stop my childish, immature, justifying ways. I want to be a better Christian I want to be a better me. I want to serve our Lord with everything I have and with everything I do and it isn’t possible if I continue to justify things in my life.
PASTR JOHN COLLINS at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN preaches in his sermons about justifying. To be a better you and to be a better Christian, you need to put all of your sins and all of your problems in Gods hands. Ask God, ask Jesus to help you and to take your sins away. He died on that cross for us. He died to take our sins for us. He died and stamped our debt paid. Don’t take for granted what He did for us on that cross in Calvary that day. Don’t think for one minute that you are not worthy enough to change your ways and come back to Him. You are and He will always take you back.
So, stop your justifying. Stop your excuses. Stop your lies. Stop acting childish and immature. Come back to The Cross and e a better you.
PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preaches every Sunday at 10:00am and Wednesday at 7:00pm at BRINGING BACK GOD located at 1505 Broad Street in BRISTOL, TN. Stop in and have a chat with him or visit the church in MARIETTA, PA. Also you can listen to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on Saturdays at 1:00pm on WIGN radio or on Sundays at 11:00am on Top Gun radio.
Love you guys and God Bless You,
The Church Goer Girl


If you have read my blog before than you know that recently I have talked about lust, one of the seven sins. All seven of them, in case you are wondering, are;
1. Sloth
2. Gluttony
3. Lust
4. Greed
5. Vanity
6. Pride
7. Anger or Wrath
Today I am going to talk about Gluttony. What do you know about gluttony? Is it just being over weight because you eat too much? Or, is something more than that? What does the bible say about gluttony? In Proverbs23:20-21, and I am using a KJV bible, it says: Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags. In 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
Let’s talk about eating too much. That is the easiest part of gluttony to pick up on. But what about drinking? Isn’t that a form of gluttony too? As PASTOR JOHN COLLINS says at BRINGING BACK GOD, “Which is worse, to pick up a spoon or to pick up a bottle? They are both a form of gluttony.” He’s right. Just because you may not have a weight problem doesn’t necessarily mean that you aren’t a glutton. If you pick up an alcohol bottle and become a drunk you are sinning. You are being a glutton.
Now let’s look at someone that doesn’t drink, doesn’t have an eating problem but like to horde things. Isn’t that a form of gluttony too? Think about it. If you are going around a sifting through other people trash because you can’t help yourself you are actually being a glutton. Reality check people, get over your problem. I know it is easier said then done. I get that. But here’s the thing, if you are willing to make change, and I mean true CHANGE in your heart and are willing to give it all up and come back to God, then He will help you. He will help you overcome your gluttony. You can be healed of your addiction to food, drugs, alcohol, hording, or whatever you may have a problem with that is a form of gluttony. But YOU must make the change in yourself first! You cannot expect God to do it all for you and give nothing back to Him in return. You make the change and show Him you are willing to do the work then you will get the help you are looking for from Him.
Remember, it is not what we say we will do but what we will show God that we will do that proves we are worthy of Him.
If you are in need of any help with the sin of gluttony or have any other problems that you would like help with, come to BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN or in MARIETTA, PA and have a talk with PASTOR JOHN COLLINS. Bring yourself back to The Cross, to Jesus, to God and see how much you can change with just a little faith.


Let’s talk about the seven deadly sins. Do you know what they are? Can you name them off the top of our head? I know that I can name 6 without having to look them up.
1. Sloth
2. Gluttony
3. Lust
4. Greed
5. Vanity
6. Pride
7. Anger or Wrath
As a whole none of them are good for us. God does not like any of them. That is why they are called sins. Simple to figure out right. But what does He have to say about them? If we look in the bible, and I am using a KJV version, Proverbs 6:16-19 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood. An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief. A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
A second verse from the bible, again a KJV version, states Colossians 3:8 But now ye also put of all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.
Today I am just going to focus on Lust.
At BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN PASTOR JOHN COLLINS talks abut the seven sins in his sermons. He states, “You cannot be a new person if you still have sin in your heart. If you are still coveting, which is lusting, after things here on earth, then you are sinning. Do not lust after a person, a home, possessions you have here on earth. You cannot take them to heaven with you. Store up your treasures in heaven not on earth. When you die they will just be things that your family will have to take care of.”
Lust can come in all shapes and forms. You can lust after a good looking woman or man. You can also crave something. Some crave attention, some crave, sugar, some crave drugs. This is all a form of lust. Look in your heart do you struggle with lust? I know I have. I have a problem with sugar at times. I crave it like nothing else. But if I give in to my craving and satisfy my addiction I know that I am lusting therefore I am sinning. I ask God for help and know in my heart that because I am showing Him that I can resist the temptation of vast quantities of sugar, like eating cake icing straight from a can (very guilty of that and I have done it more than once not only as an adult but as a kid), that He will help me with this struggle and take it from me so I no longer crave or lust after sugar.
If you like looking at men or women it is the same thing. Ask God to take that addiction away from you and show Him that you can resist the temptation everyday and He will help you. See the thing is we have given up on God but He has not given up on us. There is a poem that I once read called Footprints In The Sand. It talks about how a person and God are walking along the beach. The person looks back at on point in time and sees that there is only one set of foot prints and asks God why have you left me? God’s answer is I didn’t leave you, that set of footprints that you see is when I carried you. So you see God is always with us. We just need to believe that he is there. So when you find yourself having lust, of any form, in your heart, give it to God. Come back to Him. Glorify the Cross and the man who died on it for us. Jesus died to take or sins. He died to carry that burden for us.
If you would like to learn more about the seven sins or would like to learn how to no longer have lust in your heart, please come visit us at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN or in MARIETTA, PA. Come talk to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS and bring yourself back to the Cross. Back to Jesus Christ. Back to God.
I Love You and God Bless You,
The Church-Goer Girl

Self Pity

Have any of you ever felt bad and just wanted to wallow in your own self pity? If yes then that is called sitting on your pity pot.

Let me tell you something, GET OFF IT!!!!!! You do not need to be on a pity pot your self. Don't moan and groan about your problems and troubles. Do you really think that God wants to hear that? I mean come on He is a busy guy why in the world would He want to hear us moan and complain about everything if we don't want to do anything for ourselves to make it better? Now maybe if you make yourself better and show God that you are willing to change yourself and your life, then He might help you with your troubles. I know He has helped me personally with mine. I gave all my troubles and problems to God and got off of my own pity pot.

PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at BRINGING BACK GOD has preached many times about self pity. Jesus Christ died on the cross for us to take away our sins. He never pitied himself. He never complained. He never cried for Himself. He took the beating that was given to Him and was crucified and His blood flowed down from Calvary and never once got on a pity pot. He did it for us to save us. And we in return sit on our own pity pots and moan and complain. That is unacceptable of us! "We need to get up," as PASTOR JOHN says, "Get up and get sanctified, baptized, get our head in the bible and glorify that cross!"

We all have to be a better us and get off of our pity pot. It isn't healthy for us and to be honest it is the work of the devil. That is something that nobody wants to be a part of. I mean come on, do you really want the devil working on you? It means that you don't get to go see the Almighty and live in Heaven with Him one day. It means the place of fire and gnashing teeth. Why would you want that if you can do something now?Get down on your knees and pray. Pray everyday and show God that you are working hard to get off your pity pot. Cause honestly if you don't, then you are just letting the devil keep a hold of you. Do you really want that in your life? Really? Is that really where you want to go? Me, No. I do not think so. I would rather GET OFF THE PITY POT and go to Heaven.

At BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN PASTOR JOHN COLLINS talks has said many times, "You can't be a twenty three and a half hour Christian. And you won't find any twenty three and a half hour Christians in Heaven." This means that you cannot do God's will for twenty three hours of the day and then in the last half hour you whine about a hardship in your life. That people is a pity pot. It won't get you to where you want to go. So the next time you want to moan and complain about something in your life, think about this. Is whatever it is that you are facing harder then being whipped and then being crucified on a cross with railroad tie sized nails in your hands and feet? No? Then get over your problem and get back to doing God's will. Stay off that pot because it is just not a good place to be.

If anyone would like to learn more on this topic you can visit BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN or in MARIETTA, PA. Have a talk with PASTOR JOHN COLLINS or just come to Glorify our Lord.

God Bless You All!
The Church Girl Goer

Do you have faith?

Have you heard the story about the American that told a French tightrope walker he'd pay him a million dollars if he would come to America and walk blindfolded across Niagara Falls? Well the French guy came and walked a tight robe across the Falls blind folded with a wheelbarrow. When he got to the other side he asked the American, "Do you have faith that I could do it?" The American said, "I just saw you do it." The French guy said, "But do you have faith that I can do it?" The American said, "I just saw you do it." The French guy asked again, "But do you have faith that I can do it?' The American repeated again, "But I just saw you do it." The French man asked again, "Yes, but do you have faith that I can do it?" Finally the American said, "Well of course I have faith in you, I just saw you do it." "Good," The French guy said, "You are getting in the wheelbarrow and we are going back across."

The point of this story is is you can have two kinds of faith. There is faith by believing only. And then there is faith by believing and showing works. This type of faith is what is talked about in James 2:14-26. You see James says that faith without works is dead. But faith and showing your work, now that is true faith. That is the kind of faith that Abraham showed when he was willing to sacrifice Isaac on the alter. It is the kind of faith that Rahab showed when the messengers entered her home and she protected them when her home was searched.

PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN states, "That one of the more serious problems we have in Christianity is that people say they have faith but they do very little to prove their faith." He states that, "You can not believe in Jesus Christ, believe in God our Father, believe in that cross, say you have faith but do not live by the Bible." It isn't hard to have common courtesy and follow the commandments that were given to Moses. It isn't hard to sit down and read the Holy Bible. It isn't hard to get down on your knees at night and pray for thanks and forgiveness. But how many people actually do all of this? That is the problem. Just because you say that you will do it is one thing. But actually following through and doing, well then you will be on the right path to see god one day.

James goes onto team us that once we have received salvation, and that we establish a genuine relationship with God, then works that reflect our relationship with God must flow from within us. It will be natural and come as a second nature to you.

If you would like to find out more information on this topic or if you have any questions, stop on by they church. It is located at 1505 Broad Street, BRISTOL, TN. BRINGING BACK GOD. Or give us a call and talk to PASTOR JOHN at 423-274-8110. If you happen to be in Pennsylvania, you can visit our sister church, BRINGING BACK GOD, MARIETTA, PA
God Bless You, The Church Girl  Goer.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Hi All.
So today I want to talk about heroes. One of my favorite heroes is Paul.
What do we know about Paul? Right off the top of my head I can tell you:
That is the basics of Paul. But there has to be more to his story than just those five points. Think about it to yourself, what do you know about the apostle Paul?
Did you know that he was studying to become a Pharisee? Did you know that he believed in the Old Testament and everything that pertained to God? Did you know that he had a vision on the way to Damascus of Jesus? Did you know that he was blind for three days? Did you know that in today’s world we would have seen Paul (Saul) as a terrorist for all the acts he committed before he was changed?
Saul went around killing followers of Jesus Christ in the name if God. He had a declaration from the Romans stating that it was okay for him to kill Jesus followers. In today’s world that is a terrorist. Is there any other way to look at it? Not really. Would you say that any of this work is the work of a hero? My answer would be no.
PASTOR JOHN COLLINS stated at church service the other day, “God does not recruit heroes. Not many mighty are called, not many noble, not many powerful, not man great as the world count greatness are called. God doesn’t go for big names to populate heaven. He takes ordinary folks and then does extraordinary things through them. But even that isn’t the full story. When God wants to recruit some front line soldiers for his army, he goes into the enemy camp and rounds up a handful of the orneriest, meanest, toughest, roughest, and wildest looking sinners he can find. The he draws them to Christ, saves them, justifies them, converts them, sanctifies them, cleans them up, fixes them up, dresses them up, and then sends them out to do battle in the service of the King of Kings.”
Think about that. He picks ordinary people that are sinners and converts them so that they can do His will and one day makes it into the Kingdom of Heaven. If God would choose someone like Paul to do His will and convert then that gives all of us hope that we can change to do His will too.
So if you ever feel down and out or like there is no hope left for yourself I want you to think about Paul. Think about what his life used to be like until God entered it. Think about how God chooses ordinary people. Think about how God chooses sinners. If Paul can be saved and do great things than so can you and I.
If you want to learn more about Paul or have any questions about the bible, check out PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN. Also check out BRINGING BACK GOD, MARIETTA, PA
Love you guys and God Bless You!
The Church Girl

It's Never Too Late

It's never too late to find God.
Do you know the story of the prodigal son? If not let me give you a brief summary of it. There is a father that has two sons. One of them leaves the family and the house to go out on his own. Later on down the road he realizes that he wants to go home. So he returns home and is welcomed with open arms and a feast.
A little further looking in the Bible tells us that the brother that left actually asked his father if he could have his half of the fortune that he was to share with his brother. Of course the father being a loving man gave his son what he was asking. So the son leaves, spends all the fortune and falls into hared times. Because he is ashamed of not making it on his own he doesn't want to go home and tell his father what happened. Finally, though, he realizes that he should go home and take what he feels he deserves. What happens is his father not only welcomes him home with open arms but he also sends for the finest robe, rings for his fingers, and the fatted calf for a feast because his son has come home.
This is the story about the Prodigal Son. So if we were to look at the story in a different way we can see that God is the father and we are the son that leaves. When we come back to the Lord, He will welcome us with open arms, a robe and a ring. This is true for no matter how far away from God you fall. If you are willing to show that you believe in Him and His Son Jesus and are willing to do the works and deeds, then He will welcome you back just like the father in the story. If your faith is not strong when times are tough then you are in thinking in your head and not listening with your heart. That's the thing your mind is very good at overriding what your heart is saying. So when times are tough that is when your faith needs to be the strongest. Get off the pity pot, stand up and do Gods will.
The biggest thing that challenges us and tries to shake your faith, is peer pressure. The prodigal son probably felt peer pressure when he was down and out after spending all that he had. We get it too. Everyday that someone says you're one of those christian types. Who cares. PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN says, "We are making it cool to be a Christian again. Forget peer pressure, get God pressure." What a good line. God pressure. I want more God pressure in my life. That is what the prodigal son finally got when he realized he should go home. And what happened? He was welcomed back and the fact that he went away, fell off the path, or however you want to look at it didn't matter. The point was, he came back. That is all that God wants and is asking of us. So here today let's all get some God pressure and go back to Him. He wants us and we need Him.
Check out either location of BRINGING BACK GOD, in BRISTOL, TN or MARIETTA, PA.
Love and God Bless You all,
The Church Girl