Hi All.
So today I want to talk about heroes. One of my favorite heroes is Paul.
What do we know about Paul? Right off the top of my head I can tell you:
is the basics of Paul. But there has to be more to his story than just
those five points. Think about it to yourself, what do you know about
the apostle Paul?
Did you know that he was studying to become a Pharisee? Did you know that he believed in the Old Testament and
everything that pertained to God? Did you know that he had a vision on
the way to Damascus of Jesus? Did you know that he was blind for three
days? Did you know that in today’s world we would have seen Paul (Saul)
as a terrorist for all the acts he committed before he was changed?
went around killing followers of Jesus Christ in the name if God. He
had a declaration from the Romans stating that it was okay for him to
kill Jesus followers. In today’s world that is a terrorist. Is there any
other way to look at it? Not really. Would you say that any of this
work is the work of a hero? My answer would be no.
PASTOR JOHN COLLINS stated at church service the other day, “God does not recruit
heroes. Not many mighty are called, not many noble, not many powerful,
not man great as the world count greatness are called. God doesn’t go
for big names to populate heaven. He takes ordinary folks and then does
extraordinary things through them. But even that isn’t the full story.
When God wants to recruit some front line soldiers for his army, he goes
into the enemy camp and rounds up a handful of the orneriest, meanest,
toughest, roughest, and wildest looking sinners he can find. The he
draws them to Christ, saves them, justifies them, converts them,
sanctifies them, cleans them up, fixes them up, dresses them up, and
then sends them out to do battle in the service of the King of Kings.”
about that. He picks ordinary people that are sinners and converts them
so that they can do His will and one day makes it into the Kingdom of Heaven. If God would choose someone like Paul to do His will and convert
then that gives all of us hope that we can change to do His will too.
if you ever feel down and out or like there is no hope left for
yourself I want you to think about Paul. Think about what his life used
to be like until God entered it. Think about how God chooses ordinary
people. Think about how God chooses sinners. If Paul can be saved and do
great things than so can you and I.
If you want to learn more
about Paul or have any questions about the bible, check out PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN. Also check out BRINGING BACK GOD, MARIETTA, PA
Love you guys and God Bless You!
The Church Girl
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