Sunday, April 20, 2014


tion or to Justify. We all do it and know we shouldn’t but what does it really mean? Does it mean tell a lie to cover up another lie? Does it mean to say something to take the focus away from you and your problem? Does it mean and excuse for something that you did?
If you look up the word in the dictionary I says, ‘the action of showing something to be right or reasonable’ basically meaning that you are lying, taking the focus away from yourself, and making up an excuse. Plain and simple you shouldn’t be doing it in the eyes of the Lord.
To take it a step further, let’s look in the bible, I am using a KJV bible, Romans 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar, as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in the sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
To justify something that you have done, said or how you have acted to make yourself look better is a sin. It can be taken as you have not grown up into an adult and are still acting childish. You are still acting immature. To justify your actions because you don’t want people to think badly of you is a wrong way to think. Stand up for what you did, whatever it is. Put your big boy or girl pants on and take responsibility for the things you have said or done.
Don’t rely on a lie or a justification to make other people like you. The truth of the matter is, by justifying you are going to drive your friends and family away. They are not going to want to be around you because you are not being a good person. You are not being a good you. More importantly you are not being a good Christian.
At the end of the day being a good Christian and a good follower of the lord is all that really matters. Not what you did or did not do. What you said or did not say. If your actions are not glorifying the Lord then you are not being a completely faithful servant of the Lord. This is something I have struggled with in my past. But right now here today I have made a decision to stop my childish, immature, justifying ways. I want to be a better Christian I want to be a better me. I want to serve our Lord with everything I have and with everything I do and it isn’t possible if I continue to justify things in my life.
PASTR JOHN COLLINS at BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN preaches in his sermons about justifying. To be a better you and to be a better Christian, you need to put all of your sins and all of your problems in Gods hands. Ask God, ask Jesus to help you and to take your sins away. He died on that cross for us. He died to take our sins for us. He died and stamped our debt paid. Don’t take for granted what He did for us on that cross in Calvary that day. Don’t think for one minute that you are not worthy enough to change your ways and come back to Him. You are and He will always take you back.
So, stop your justifying. Stop your excuses. Stop your lies. Stop acting childish and immature. Come back to The Cross and e a better you.
PASTOR JOHN COLLINS preaches every Sunday at 10:00am and Wednesday at 7:00pm at BRINGING BACK GOD located at 1505 Broad Street in BRISTOL, TN. Stop in and have a chat with him or visit the church in MARIETTA, PA. Also you can listen to PASTOR JOHN COLLINS on Saturdays at 1:00pm on WIGN radio or on Sundays at 11:00am on Top Gun radio.
Love you guys and God Bless You,
The Church Goer Girl

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